
Monday, 19 April 2010


I follow a number of marketing blogs; that being my 'day job'. I am fascinated at how and what the church can learn from methods and theory from secular society. We must not be closed to this and must move in taking the church of today forward and evangelising to a wider group. If secular theory and practise can help the church in its Mission, we must not be afraid of using it.

Seth Godin's is one I follow with interest. He's a leading exponent of 'Permission Marketing' and someone I really enjoy reading. Have a look at this.....a favourite marketing book of mine - can the church learn from this?

Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers into Friends and Friends into Customers 

He takes away some of the mystique of marketing and writes in a very engaging way. His blog is worth a read and taken in a church context might provoke some discussion/ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the pointer to Seth Godin - looks interesting and as you've said, it could be useful for churches too.

    I'm enjoying your blog - keep it up! :)
